Saturday, August 23, 2008

Working short...

So, I am working today, and just as thought being a Saturday, we're working short. There is nothing more annoying about nursing than not having full staff on. Especially when you have heavy patients who require a great deal of care. Everyone has to pick up 2-3 extra patients, not allowing you the quality time with your original booked group. However, the other staff is good and helpful so you're able to get all of your am care done and be caught up for the day. Currently I'm on my break and thought that this was a wonderful topic to discuss because working short happens so frequently and only nurses can really understand what it is like. Sometimes, depending on the situation, you don't even have time to take breaks. Staff have to continually work through to make sure that patient care is adequate. You hear about these nursing shortages and how there are never enough nurses, but personally I think the government is at fault and it is more of a money situation than anything. But hey, who am I to have an opinion, I just work as a front line nurse.

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